Logotyp Hagfors kommun
Logotyp för Hagfors 75 år

English version Corona information

This mailing was made Tuesday March 24th by impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) to the business community of Hagfors municipality.

Hello again!

Thank you for your replies to our last mail. It confirmed the feeling that we had and we understand that the situation is hard for many of you. The signals right now are also pointing to that we will have a difficult situation for a long time to come even if no one can give any answers to what will happen. For our part we try to keep us up to date with what is happening on a national and regional level at the same time as we try to locally increase our dialogue with you to get a good picture of how the reality changes.

One of the news that came this afternoon was that Folkhälsomyndigheten (the public health authority) gave stricter rules for the restaurant industry. Our quick interpretation is that buffets is no longer allowed and that everything should be served on a plate at the table. We will be getting back to you with more information or links that can be helpful via our website under “Arbete och näringsliv” and/or the municipality's official Facebook Page.

We can recommend two good links: https://www.verksamt.se/om-verksamt/nyhetsarkiv/-/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_0LpMHH7zZQ6q/10183/NYHET_CORONA_2 Länk till annan webbplats. and https://tillvaxtverket.se/ Länk till annan webbplats. with information about the efforts made by the state.

Locally we are now changing the annual billing for supervision linked to environment, food and alcohol so that they will be sent out in September instead of April.

Finally we would like to remind you not to hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to consult on something.

Greetings from us who work with business issues

Lars Sätterberg, development director


0563-187 76

Fredrik Igelström, business development


0563-187 43

Peter Törnqvist, project manager


0563-187 64


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